Consumer Rights | NCR | South Africa - Quick Consolidation Loans

Consumer rights

Consumer rights play a large part in the consumer market, guiding regulations and ensuring that all have an open and fair chance within the market. Whether knowing the act or the individual rights, this is crucial information that can help you get the best possible service, as well as forces accountability throughout industries.

The Consumer Protection Act, No. 68 of 2008 is aimed at the promotion of a fair, accessible and sustainable marketplace for consumer products and services. To establish national norms and standards to ensure consumer protection, to increase standards of consumer information, prohibit certain unfair marketing and business practices, promotes responsible consumer behavior, as well as an array of other functions. With all these factors contributing towards a safe consumer industry, this is a way for businesses to be held accountable, shifting the control from the brands to the consumers.

What are your Consumer Rights?

The Bill of Rights enshrines the rights of all South Africans. The Consumer Protection Act further outlines key consumer rights, of which all South African consumers should be aware. These include the following:

  • Right to Equality in the Consumer Market and Protection Against Discriminatory Marketing Practices;
  • Right to Privacy;
  • Right to Choose;
  • Right to Disclosure of Information;
  • Right to Fair and Responsible Marketing;
  • Right to Fair and Honest Dealing;
  • Right to Fair, Just and Reasonable Terms and Conditions;
  • Right to Fair Value, Good Quality and Safety; and
  • Right to Accountability by Suppliers.

For all your debt solutions and services, as well as sound advice, contact Quick Consolidation Loans and their trained, professional team.


We will be able to offer advice on the suitability of debt consolidation to your specific financial situation, as there are instances where it would prove unsuitable. Our consultants will be able to help you with regards to secured and unsecured debt consolidation, and advice as to which would be most favorable to your outstanding debts. Operating on a national basis, we can also provide you with debt counseling or a debt review in South Africa. As mentioned, debt consolidation could save you on monthly payments and interest rates, which has made it a viable option for many. To find out if debt consolidation in South Africa is an option for you, contact Quick Consolidation Loans today.